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Importance Of Vastu Shastra In Interior Designing Of Home Or Office

NortheastWaterwater and other reflective sources
NorthwestAirdoors and windows to open the space
SoutheastFiresources of heat, fireplaces, stoves and electrical appliances
SouthwestEarthheavy things
CentreSpacevacant space allowing light to enter.

There is a lot of misinformation and even some fear surrounding Vastu, the science of architecture. Those that follow its tenets often build their houses and businesses accordingly, while those who don’t may be afraid to do so for fear of bad fortune. There is no truth to these claims. There are no negative consequences for deviating from the principles of Vastu when decorating a home. It is a set of rules for the efficient placement of rooms and other structural features, including doors, windows, kitchens, pantries, bedrooms, and bathrooms. In the event that these components are not placed in accordance with the guidelines laid out by Vastu, it also provides advice on how to remedy the situation.

Vastu Shastra is a body of guidelines for the construction of houses and other man-made structures, outlining requirements for things like site preparation, design, space organisation, and dimensional geometry. Hindu and Buddhist religious tenets have traditionally been incorporated as well. In addition to the standard layout plans, geometric patterns, direction alignments, and symmetrical design that are commonplace in Western interior design, Vastu Shastra emphasises the need of achieving a balance between the natural world and the home.
According to Vastu principles, there should be a connection between a space’s form and layout, as well as its intended function and use. The bedroom, living room, kitchen, prayer room, bathroom, home office, playroom, and outdoor spaces should all be designed according to Vastu Shastra principles. The principles of Vastu have also been incorporated into the design of public places including parks, plazas, plaza gardens, highways, townships, waterworks, and other urban amenities.
Vastu is revered as the soul of a house because it strikes a harmony between the earth, water, fire, air, and space. Each space in a house has its own energy, or prana, and that energy should be reflected in a way that promotes happiness and harmony throughout the house as a whole. It’s true that a family’s mental well-being is affected by the vibe of their home.

Since the five elements are the building blocks of everything, a disruption in their equilibrium would have a negative effect on the cosmos as a whole. As a result, the stability of a home and one’s mental state are both dependent on the equilibrium of the panchabhutas.

According to Vaastu Shastra, a home’s elements and directions should be combined with those that share complementary qualities.
The north-east corner of a house is where you want to put your living room because of the peaceful and optimistic vibe it exudes. A friendly community can be easily established with a northerly orientation.

Typically, the front door leads directly into the living room. Health, money, renown, and honour are all brought to those who construct it in the north or east. Pathak Properties provides Architectural designing services in Nagpur, and so everything can be designed and set up keeping not just design but Vaastu in mind as well.


Second, it’s best to have your windows facing either north or east. It is bad luck to enter a building from the south or west.
Third, walls should be painted in lighter tones to make the space feel cosier.
The best places to put furniture are the south and west sides of the room.
The south-east corner of a room is the best spot for electrical appliances, whereas the west is the best spot for hanging big chandeliers.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when you plan your dream home:
• Don’t put the bathroom or a water source in the middle of the living area. People think it takes all their money and runs.
• A leaking tap is considered an unlucky sign that might produce financial problems for a household, thus it should be fixed as quickly as possible.
• The kitchen, bathroom, and prayer area should not be in close proximity to one another.
• Electric appliances should be oriented toward the south-west, whereas gas and microwave ovens should not be placed with their front faces toward the door.
• Keep the cylinder pointed south-southeast if at all possible.
• Plants are an integral part of any home’s decor and ambiance. Because of their auspicious qualities, tulsi and neem plants should be kept in every home. Don’t bother with plants like cacti either.
• It’s bad luck for the household if the restrooms are located beneath the stairs.
• One of the latest trends in home decor is the usage of mirrors. Correct mirror placement is crucial because mirrors reflect and attract positive energy. If you want to get rid of any bad vibes, try putting the mirror facing east or north. Mirrors over beds tend to generate discord between partners, so try to avoid placing one there. Studying in front of a mirror is discouraged as well.
• Heavy, dark drapes should be used in the living room, while lighter colours should be used in the bedroom. According to vastu, this practise contributes to a harmonious environment by redistributing positive and negative energies.
• Paintings of conflict and violence should not be displayed in your home; instead, hang paintings of peaceful scenes like waterfalls or daybreak.

Interior designing consultants at Pathak properties also make sure to keep the Vaastu shastra in mind so that not only is the design perfectly suited to the home owner but also the energies are on point for the people to comfortably live in.